
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Aaron and Ryan... hehe... yes, I agree. now that I think of it, tighty whities must have been it. That is the 'balls on the bullseye' as they say. It must have been confusing, when I jumped out in my tighty whities. He was stuck in a hug or hump conundrum, trying to figure out if I intended to lay him like a $6000 dollar japanese sex doll to be mounted in my living room or if I was a white ninja with an incredible katana! Aww cmon... We can has guys here!


Ryan - Muhalo... and wish you the best on your job/fun to the lovely state of Hawaii! Moving far away is daunting, but it sounded like you had a pretty good offer on the table. Hawaii does sound 500,000 times more tintilating than the Philippines not to mention you will probably be safe drinking the tap!