
Thursday, June 11, 2009

well just be wary he doesn't hide the paddles in some obscure hole in the ground that there is absolutely NO clue as to how to find the paddles! Then you'll KNOW who he is.

8 bucks is an awesome deal! I think i had to pay $100+ for the lame lesson. But you sure you have all the floatation and safety gear and shit like that? Your not going with anyone? I'm sure they'll tell you where the beginner zones are.

You will be flippin over at least once. Dude, well, ok... be safe man. It's probably better if you had an instructor on the first time out. Or I'm sure you can drag a lady friend who knows how to float your kayak! har... yeah, kayaks all uppor torso and arms buddy.... unless its the kayaks for armless vets.
