
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

... even to those individuals on the Action Team, who may be using family and fatherhood as a shield, a "beard" as it were, to deny the homosexual impulses that throb in their loins. (Hint, it's not Art.)

Various things:
- My own dad is 70 in a few days. Holy shit. Still partying hard and ready to attend bachelor parties in my place, though.

- How is it possible that this year is almost halfway over already?

- After playing Ancients with Aeryk at the con, I got inspired to start playing Command & Colors games again and dug out Battlelore with the intention of painting the guys I'd primered so long ago. Only to discover... something weird happened to the primer. It became glossy and took on an unpleasant, tacky texture. No way it would hold paint. No idea what happened there because it definitely wasn't like that when I threw it in the box (and I'm pretty sure it was fully dry when I did so).

- After many dry years, I'm finally working on a piece of writing that I have a feeling is, actually, good. In fact, the feeling unnerves me because I like it so much and I'm scared I'll fuck it up. Still plugging away at it though. Right now my job sucks hard so I'm basically taking hour and a half lunches, writing during that time, and considering that my "real job."

- Earthdawn 3rd edition! Fuck and Yeah!