
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Take it Back!

I rescind my previous nonchalant stance on GH:Metallicatz. I played some more last night and it is actually really good! Sure, some of the songs are less than awesome, but even then , the song/note/keystroke structure are really good and varied. Interesting to play at the very least, challenging to play at best!

I failed out on quite a few songs on expert already, which is good!

Even if you could care less about Metallidrunkz, it is totally worth the rental to play around with it. If you liked Alcoholica, then really, really rent it!

Slayer: War Ensemble kicked my ass in a jiffy, and I have bombed a few of the Kill 'em All tracks because the soloing is intense and lengthy.

That is all!

PS Has anyone finished any of the quests for Dark Spire? I did the graffiti one, but cannot go much past one or two encounters in the basement without needed to retreat and rest before another delve. Still 3rd level, which might be the problem. Anyone?