
Saturday, May 09, 2009

If There Was Ever a Task Denis Would Be Cut Out For...

... it's this one. Even though it doesn't involve elves, alcohol or porn.

A visit to GW's specialist site revealed the horrifying fact that an in-faction Escher gang (leader, heavy, 4 gangers, 2 juvies) and a booster (3 random minis) would end up being $70 with tax and shipping. I mean, I've paid more for minis, a lot more, but I don't actually like the Escher ones so much and I'm wondering if I can throw together something a little cooler with random shit from the war store, even if it turns out around the same price.

So I went over there and basically threw all the halfway decent female sci fi minis I could find into the shopping cart. But now my brain is melted and I can't seem to figure out which ones are cool. Anyone want to take a look and vote on good stuff for a leader, 1-2 heavies, 4-5 gangers and a couple o' juves? Shopping cart here! I don't care so much about the punk rock chick look the GW minis have, more just the chicks with guns thing.

Edit: Crap! I tried from another browser and it looks like pasting the cart URL didn't work. Ah well... I'm on my own I guess.