
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Ah windlings... Gotta love those encyclopedia sized books. I think I'll press a few windlings between those thick pages. I didn't know a new edition was coming. Awwww, more books to buy. While a 4th ed supplement might be an interesting read, I'm fully married to the bucket-o-dice mechanics. It just wouldn't be Earthdawn without consulting that dice chart and rolling twenty dice.

I ended up getting the Gamemaster's, Player's, Namegiver's and Nations vol1. Ah yes... late-night, alcohol/porn fueled internet shopping binges.

Speaking of shopping binges. If anyone is still buying Nintendo DS games, look into The Dark Spire. While I can't vouch for it personally. It's already been through my Amazon shopping cart. It's an old-school (Wizardry) dungeoneer based on D&D mechanics. Apparently one reviewer couldn't get over the fact that it uses random rolls. Random hit points?! What are we uncivilized barbarians?! Once I get it, reviews will follow.