
Sunday, March 15, 2009

T-Minus ...

Baby is large.

Doc is estimating around 24 inches and 9 pounds, and we technically still have 8 days until the due date. They may induce this week if labor doesn't start by itself. Awesome possible dates: This Tuesday, St. Patrick's Day. Or, a week from today would be MY birthday. Or rather, the day that we used to call my birthday. I figure either way, my birthday is going to cease to exist with the boy being born within days of the same date. I don't really care that much, but I thought it an interesting realization that forevermore my birthday will be about someone else.

I think we have the 'nest' as complete as it can be at the moment. Michelle is at least a little less manic and crazy about 'things we need' before the baby comes. Swing, check. Two pack and plays, check. Bottles, diapers, clothes sorted by age, boxed, folded, packed, labeled, weeeeeeee

Haylee is doing great. She continues to amaze me with how smart she is, which is equal parts being proud and feeling like an ass that I underestimate her. We were driving yesterday and she says.. DADDY.. that red octagon says S.. T.. O.. P.. ! LOL.. I looked at her like she was a martian for a second. "How do you know that? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?" The future question is.. with this state being dead last in education, do we risk putting her into public schools here? Ugh. Wish we could live.. well.. just about anywhere else. Hey, speaking of..

The job is killing me... slowly. Working 11-16 hours a day and generally not taking any breaks or lunches means I'm completely stressed the F out but I'm also losing weight.. lots of weight. When I started, I was feeling pretty comfortable and healthy at 230 lbs or so. I actually dipped down below 200 lbs for the first time since.. hell.. I don't even know, maybe high school era. All of my clothes are falling off of me. Ugh. I've been buying shit food to eat just so I get as many calories as possible into my system. I ate an entire bag of Albertsons chocolate chip cookies in one day just to try to add calories.. lulz.. 2300 calories in one bag.


Apologies for not posting more, calling more. I feel like I'm in some kind of time warp. The days are all blending together and going by so frigging fast. I can't believe it's the middle of March (and 2009) already. WTF!

Ok, well, back to babying-up the house. Wish me luck.