
Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Gods....

When they sell the DVD's for season 4 of BSG they should title it "BSG 4.0: Anything Frakking Goes".

I am catching up on all the season 4 episodes and just finished episode 17, only 3 more to go then I am as caught up as the rest of America!

The show has pretty much pushed the envelope as far as story, twists, turns, etc. for it's duration, but with an absolute end of the series in sight, the writers just went off and the show is bonkers. just bonkers.

Anything goes, no taboos, kill everyone, everyone is evil, everyone is up for redemption, everyone is trying to be good, everyone is weak, everyone is a badass, everyone gets used, everyone plays someone. Intense.

I should finish up tonight and possibly tomorrow and could not be happier! I delayed the ending of Buffy for over a year because I really, really like the show and the characters, and the story because it was a good balance of light, serious, fun, and interesting. BSG is just so heavy ALL THE TIME I am looking forward to experiencing the end, seeing how it all ties together (possibly), and moving on.

BSG really was a fantastic show and one of the best things ever on the boob tube.