
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mrs. Adama Slash Boxy

That would be some fine fanfic.

jr0n: 12 x 5 hour sessions you say? I think we have enough time at Kubla if we play straight through with no sleep. 1 year or 3 days! Uggg.. that would actually be pretty awful.

The other two guys in the Descent campaign could get a bit defeatist and whiny at times. We all succumb to that from time to time though and generally they are fun to game with. My view when they were squawking is I felt it was a little too early to call the game. The Overlord/Player balance had already swung a couple times at that point, so it was not a stretch for it to swing one or more times. Overall I thought the campaign was fun and it does satisfy the slash and hack itch; however, it just can not scratch that itch for a good old fashioned RPG.

Rude: That is the same impressions that I get about The Plan and Caprica. I think it would be hard to mess up The Plan given that they should easily be able to hold the flavor and feel of BSG. Caprica on the other hand, will be a tough one I think. I am excited though.

Also something interesting for the child rearing Actionteamers: Why Toddlers Don't Do What They're Told
