Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm willing to run an RPG at Kubla if anybody is interested. The only thing is, thinking back on RPGs at the con that have been either successes or failures, I think the key is that it has to be something both brain-dead simple to run, work well with a variable number of players, be very fast to set up/explain and ideally be somewhat familiar. Things like 4th ed are right out. I'm thinking over the candidates and basically two present themselves - Savage Worlds and old-school, Rules Cyclopedia D&D. I'm leaning towards D&D because I fucking love it, it is great and it takes 3 seconds to make a character, and it's been a long time since I played it. I also kind of like how it's likely to end up with everybody hacked to death by kobolds in the 2nd room after the wizard burns his Sleep spell. But, does anyone have other suggestions/ideas, or wish to dissuade me from my fool's crusade in the first place? Is it simply pure folly to even hope to run a game at Kubla?