Sunday, March 15, 2009
I watchez teh wathcmen
I enjoyed it. The beginning was stupendous, GREAT first 45 minutes or so. You may have heard that the opening credits are a montage of the history of superheroes and how their fortunes fall over time. It's really well-done, great visual storytelling. After that the movie is kind of up and down, but generally solid. Rorschach is perfect, Dr. Manhattan seems weird at first but he grew on me as the movie went on, and Nite Owl and Latex... uh, Silk Spectre are really good too (and her mom is good as young Silk Spectre 1, but her old-age makeup is horrible).
There were really only two things I didn't like so much. One, I think they fumbled the ball in casting Ozymandius. The actor certainly comports himself well in the fight scenes, but I just couldn't reconcile his appearance and voice with what I imagined for the character. I also thought that the last 30 minutes in general were a little weak. Not so much because of the one big change they made but because everything seemed hurried and a little underexplained. This is one place where I'm really waiting for the extended cut they're talking about on DVD. I think if the ending were tighter then we would be talking about a classic. As it is, it's an honorable try, may drastically improve in other cuts. I would say it definitely is worth your time and $ to see in the theater.
(Note: I should disclose, my gf really liked the movie a lot, more than I did. She thought the ending was just fine.)