
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yeah I went 3-6 with Trolls overall. Stupid Trolls and their alien playstyle. "Walk up to things and hit them" is real hard for me I guess. Although actually you only played against them with Ashlynn specifically one time. I also clocked in losses against Mike and against David at Kubla Con.

Most-played faction by player:
Enron: Cryx (22 games)
Jr0n: Cygnar (25 games)
Myke: Protectorate (23 games)

OK, that's enough.

I too will listen to the D&D blogcast, hopefully to get inspired for our upcoming D&D game. (Hint, hint.) Also, we should finish off our Descent campaign today that has taken about a year to get to this point. My prediction is it'll all end in tears.