
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Warmachine Fun Facts

AKA, Enron the Warlord

After playing a game with Mike tonight, I got curious about all the games of Warmachine we've played over the years, so I copied them into a separate tab on the spreadsheet and collated some results. Some verrrrrry interesting facts here! Keep in mind we only started tracking games on 5/28/06, well after we'd started playing (I think Enron and I started playing in early '05 in the Rat House, and Eric and Mike joined around Kubla Con that year). I also suspect there are a few games missing from this list.

Total logged games played by the Action Team: 76
Best win/loss record by player: Enron! 40 games logged, 23 victories. My hat's off to you, sir.
Worst win/loss record by player: Me! 42 games logged, 16 victories. Why do the ones we love, always hurt us the most?
Most played warcaster by player:
Enron: Cryx, Goreshade the Bastard. 12 games (8 wins, 4 losses - not bad!).
Jr0n: Cygnar, Commander Adept Nemo. 9 games (3 wins, 6 losses, ouch).
Myke: Menoth, Harbinger of Menoth. 10 games (2 wins, 8 losses... double ouch).

Biggest turkey, by player:
Enron: Lich Lord Terminus, 2 wins, 5 losses. All starting with that magical game where he parked him on top of a hill first turn, in shooting range of the Thunderhead. (Oh wait, am I allowed to talk shit to Enron anymore?)
Jr0n: Haley, 0 wins, 5 losses. Yeah, way to lose every time with what is widely considered one of the most powerful 'casters in the game, jerk.
Mike: This is a little unclear because for 4 of the games where Mike won, it's not recorded which 'caster he played and I suspect most of these were with the Harbinger. But as it stands... tie. Harbinger, 2 wins, 8 losses, matched with Amon, 1 win, 4 losses.

Fun Facts!
- Myke is unbeatable with Severius (5 wins).
- Enron is 6-2 with Ashlynn. I didn't remember this warcaster being such an asskicker.
- Jr0n has played the most unique warcasters (12, compared to 6 for Enron and 5 for Myke). This explains a lot, actually.