
Friday, January 16, 2009

movies N me

EDIT 3: This is for Dennis.

EDIT 2: Still not cheap enough for Eric.

EDIT: Puzzle Quest SPACE demo! This is gonna be another friggen addiction! :(

Haven't seen a movie in ages, but I watched on DVD the 4th season of 24.That was pretty horrible, surprise surprise. On the fourth season muslims got a hold of a nuclear missle and shot it at Los Angeles. The airforce shoots it down like minutes before impact, so all good. Jack Bauer and his crew torture ALL kinds of people, mostly totally innocent ones, it's pretty rad. If you're into torture-rad.

Since Battlestar Galactica starts up again this month (?) they've been showing these webisodes about Gaeta. Pretty GAY-ta. They're about 3 minutes long, so it's kinda irritating to try and watch. But they've got em all up on Hulu.com, so if you want to see an fairly boring Gaeta sextravaganza, have fun.

Went to a private screening for Season 2 of Flight of the Conchords.It was fun. Free beer and food and a DJ. Bizzare cuz they screened it at the Natural History Museum, so it was something out of a movie. Like big old fucking dino skeletons all in the middle of the room where the party was. But fun. DINO-mite...