
Sunday, January 11, 2009

movies I've seen lately

Black Snake Moan
All right, so the premise of this movie is that Christina Ricci is an always scantily-clad, frequently topless Southern nymphomaniac who the crazed Samuel L. "the L stands for Motherfucker" Jackson chains to his radiator, using the power of blues to cure her of her wickedness. HOW COULD THIS MOVIE POSSIBLY BE BORING!?!!!?!???!? And yet it is. Turned it off at the hour mark. Cannot shake the feeling that something has gone deeply wrong with the universe.

Gran Torino
Now we're talkin'! This movie was great, not so much that it does anything really inventive or unique, just as a solid, well-crafted piece of entertainment. Clint Eastwood plays a grumpy old man who befriends the asians who have taken over his old neighborhood. He plays the grumpy old man thing for laughs, yet at the same time he is completely badass. He is almost 80 but it is somehow totally believable when he beats the shit out of some neighborhood bullies. I really recommend this movie, at least on DVD!