
How long are you in the Bay Area, USA Johnny!? Maybe if it's an extended visit I can pay a vist to up there!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hey Enron-
Saturday is cool. I'm pretty much up for any cool game/s. Except probably long campaigns and stuff, since theres no way we'll get past the first epic orc/goblin battle. I tried dialing the 415-xxx-xx33 That's the number I called you on, but I'm getting a disconnected message. Let me know where to go. My cells been disconnected, but the house number you have is still correct.

Anyway, gotta run, - see ya soon.



jA-El: Welcome to the new world of struggling American air carriers. My experiences of late, outside of Virgin America, have been less than stellar since they started cutting costs and services left and right to make up for high fuel prices and a sagging economy. Boo...

jA-El, I believe that jr0n and I will be getting together with a couple other gamers this Saturday @ Noon. Come visit! As far as phone numbers, jr0n's has changed. Mine is still the same though. Do you still have the same mobile number? The 510.xxx.xx55? If not are you with your parents at 510.xxx.xx93? I'm still at 415.xxx.xx33. Lemme know if this doesn't help.

On a whim, the special lady friend and I went to see Bad Religion play at a small venue in SF on Wednesday night. I still really like seeing them in concert. They played a good mix of classics and newer songs, although if it were up to me they would have played more from the early days. On the downside, I was a total turd at work yesterday. I was so beat when I got home last night I fell asleep at 8:00pm and slept the night through.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

My 70th level pally would rip through the baby Murloc!

jk jk... in game

Bay Area Residonts ...

I tried calling some of you but none of the numbers are any working anymore! Got milk? I just got back in town last night, what do you guys do for fun these days, besides work/sleep/work? That seems to be what I do most of the times anyway. My flight was unusually smooth, no delays, didn't get checked, got to ride first class (award points courtesy of my wonderfully generous brother). The only complaint I had was the lousy service of United and Northwest. Not a lot of smiles and only tried to do the bare minimal amount of servicing. Came around 1 or 2 times for drinks, etc. It just felt like the bare minimum that could have been done without the customers complaining that the attendents weren't doing anything. The chairs reclined to a whole 180 degrees horizontal! Wow.

Anyway, any plans on the weekend? Let me know if there's any home-brew gaming conventions going on in town. My preregistrations in the mail, but could have gotten lost.


Monday, September 08, 2008

wiley's halloween costume 2008

fyi that's a murloc costume.