
Friday, September 12, 2008


jA-El: Welcome to the new world of struggling American air carriers. My experiences of late, outside of Virgin America, have been less than stellar since they started cutting costs and services left and right to make up for high fuel prices and a sagging economy. Boo...

jA-El, I believe that jr0n and I will be getting together with a couple other gamers this Saturday @ Noon. Come visit! As far as phone numbers, jr0n's has changed. Mine is still the same though. Do you still have the same mobile number? The 510.xxx.xx55? If not are you with your parents at 510.xxx.xx93? I'm still at 415.xxx.xx33. Lemme know if this doesn't help.

On a whim, the special lady friend and I went to see Bad Religion play at a small venue in SF on Wednesday night. I still really like seeing them in concert. They played a good mix of classics and newer songs, although if it were up to me they would have played more from the early days. On the downside, I was a total turd at work yesterday. I was so beat when I got home last night I fell asleep at 8:00pm and slept the night through.
