
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Joss Whedon to the Rescue!

So the jerk canceled Angel because he was too busy working on his millionth rewrite of the Wonder Woman script, fine. I can forgive that (sort of, but not really) because he has a new offering on iTunes "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog"!

Joss + Musicals + Doogie Howser, MD = Success!

It is a good fix if you wish there were more episodes like "Once More With Feeling" from Buffy, and it is a good watch even if you never saw that episode.

$3.99 on iTunes for at LEAST 3 episodes, or that is how many have been released so far, the season pass gets you all of em!

It is funny, the songs are good in that Whedon sort of way, and totally worth $3.99!

Do it!
I hope someone reads this quick! The local $3 dollar theater has the new Indy and Iron Man, and I haven't seen either one. Which movie shall I view today!? I need help with this decision gang, so please don't let me down!

EDIT: The theater that shows older new movies is the one next to the bowling alley by the Galleria! So I watched Indy then snuck into Iron Man which started a few minutes after Indy. Maybe 2 movies back to back is a bit much, but neither one really did it for me. Indy had some fun parts but was mostly heartless, and then Iron Man was just like every other fucking comic book movie I've seen. Robert Downey Jr was cool and all, but it was just kinda empty. Fuckin'-A.
Haven't seen the Futurama. But I think I'd rather watch that than this:

My childhooooood!!!!

While the keybo-monit-desk-a-mouse is certainly cyberpunk; the cyber-teabag-projecto-pipi is the culmination of Gibson's ultimate aspirations.

Behold the future!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Let the man speak for him self...

In a statement regarding new sanctions against Zimbabwe today, President Bush declares that "no regime should ignore the will of its own people" What can you say?

eLzar: FTW are you talking about? I got lost with your comment, "Please, allow me to show you my new invention, the keybo-monit-desk-a-mouse!"

Crap movie comics presents: Ironman teh movie good shit.

Ooof... So after several weeks of moving, audits, budgets and reforecasts, regular work, special projects and Aimey's new side business, I am about ready for a dirt nap. I have been sleeping like ass under all the shit running through my head. Oh yeah did I mention the drunk ass lickers that were fighting outside our apartment until 1am last night. Normally, I don't touch the caffeine sauce, but I have been hitting it pretty hard. So looking forward to normalcy...

Has anyone seen the new Futurama movie? I have seen some pretty bad reviews. Seems like the went from a rusty but passable first movie to a pretty weak barely entertaining second movie. Seems like the writers just do not have the right panache anymore. Boo...




YouTube is priceless.

While that kid rocks that Johnny linked to, I found two guys that play the mando-banj-itar.

What a bunch of doofs. Not to mention with a cool name like that, it would be some Superhero instrument, but alas, it is just a mandolin and banjo and a guitar kinda glued close together.

Now that I am into my post, I don't even want to link to it cause they piss me off for lying to me.

Please, allow me to show you my new invention, the keybo-monit-desk-a-mouse!

This kid rocks - It pays to 1) have at teacher 2) learn all those cool techniques 3) rock out

Spent so much time on Utube -so much funny stuff-


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Suddenly Batma N. Theride doesn't sound so bad anymore.

Talula Does the Hula From Hawaii

That is the name of a 9 year old girl in NZ. She has become a ward of the state so that she can legally change her name while underage.

Her parents also have twins named "Benson" and "Hedges", as well as another kid named "Violence" and another named "Number 16 Bus Shelter"

All this, and it is not even April 1st.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ha ha ha!

That is the best / fucking worst picture I have ever seen. Ever.

Yeah, Heath Ledger plays the Joker a little differently than Ceasar Romero. There is absolutely no camp value in his performance like Romero or Jack Nicholson for that matter. If that is what you think the joker is supposed to be, you will be disappointed. He is the perfect combination of creepy and pure insanity. I wouldn't even call it dark. I would call it disturbing but well done. I heard one review say that the character of the Joker in the comic and the Tim Burton film was an opportunist, stealing and taking advantage with little regard for human life. Ledger's Joker is more of an anarchist and sociopath, out to destroy the establishment. Again, no homo.
Trying to coordinate x number of friends to watch a movie session over the net, would be quite a logistic challenge. Timing with random people over chat rooms would be more probable but movie watching with such a crowd would be too creepy and sinister. Twould be like sharing popcorn with the guy sitting next to you in the theatre and strangely discovering something rubbery hard at the bottom of the paper bag. Your only next chilling thought being I can't believe its not butter.

Mentioning popcorn, I think Cesar Romero would be the best joker. There's a few websites with people that agree with my thought. The Joker faithful to the comic books was creepy but at the same time jovial with a touch of cynicism as he planned the death of his victims leaving behind chemical trademark that would mold the victims face to be like his...

The Joker was creepy, Jack nicholson was just a creep. So although Jack was quite fitting for the role, he was just acting as himself. Heath ledger, I can't say yet, but with the trailer, he seemed really dark and sad.

So i vote Cesar Romero, if he was young enough to be todays evil villain, i think the CGI and makeup would have complimented well with his jovial and cynical laugh.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I think it's pretty neat that you'll be able to stream Netflix movies through your xbox, and the kicker is that you'll be able to "watch it together" with up to 7 of your friends - they're making a new multi-person chat feature. You can join games together, watch movies, etc. But I think my problem is my internet connection. It's "broadband" but Netflix keeps telling me that my speed caps my viewing quality to "basic" - so I don't think it'd work better through the 360. Oh well, not a huge loss. I'm more into discs right now anyways.

One of the cool things about the early seasons of Lost is that a few of the writers and directors are alumni from Angel (and to a lesser extent Buffy.) And that actually carries over a little bit into Battlestar Galactica as well. I think it's the middle of the 2nd season of Lost that one of the executive producers who was from Angel left the show and if you're as big a nerd as me, you can kind of tell there's a shift in the overall tone and direction of the show. It's still an awesome show, but those bastards from Angel and Buffy make rad fun TV.

Haven't seen The Batman yet, but I will try this weekend. A friend told me it's loads better in the IMAX format (and that maybe some/all of it was shot to that aspect ratio anyways) so maybe I'll go balls out and see it that way. Last time I saw a fucking IMAX movie was something like "SPACE CAMP - YOU ARE IN SPACE CAMP" at some museum.

Streaming Poop

Yeah, I am less than excited about streaming from YouTube due to their horrid video quality. I can only imagine how foul the image would look on a TV. Its bad enough in a 7" diag window. I find it unwatchable when I scall it to full screen on my monitor.

The PS3 is supposed to get a video download service sometime this summer, but the whole matter seems short on details.

All in all, Ill stick with physical discs until the whole market matures a bit and video quality is of a certain minimum level.


Streamin Netflix

If there were more stable connections in the Philippines, I would sign up too. But I don't know if it's the spotty infrastructure, or poor grade equipment, but the connection is always slow to medium slow. Tivo is going to be able stream Youtube, do you think netflix will partner up? I guess Xbox is the same thing (hard drive buffer), but instead of a video game console, I would imagine people would prefer a dedicated unit. Never send a Monster to do a Titans job. eh?

Rockaferon - Same old email, Jonny -Tbaggin- rockt (no e) I didn't see anything from Amy. I'll check again.
Another vote for The Dark Knight here. Heath Ledger really was as good as everyone is saying and everybody else stepped up as well. I'm planning on seeing it again, hopefully in IMAX.

Johnny, props for doing your civic duty and reading the constitution. I wish more people did! Also I like American apparel's sleazy ads. American is in the name of the brand so I have to!

Constitutional Nutsacking

Ahh, Ja-El that is quite a polar set of options: "It was either the reading the constitution or watching a utube clip "boy gets nutsacked"." Good stuff I say.

I really want to see the Dark Knight. I have been unable to make it to the movies for any of this summer's releases. Generally I like watching movies in the Theater. The visual presentation is much more encompassing that I find myself lost in the movie a lot more than at home. Yeah there are a few idiots from time to time that bug at the movies, but I find this to be pretty uncommon. A lot of that depends on where the theater is, what time of day and what day of the week.

I recently became hooked on lost. The special lady friend and I were watching a couple of episode a night for a while, but lately we have been too busy. I like the concept and the different unpredictable plot threads. I'll have to give Alias a try. I have never watched it, but judging by the Actionteam comments, I should give it a look see.

Rood: If you have an Xbox 360, you will be able to stream Netflix movies through it this September, although rumor has it you may need to be a Gold Xbox Live subscriber. That may provide a more pleasant visual experience than your computer. I have heard streaming through the Roku box (Xbox will likely use the same interface) is pretty nice, albeit not DVD quality and of course dependent upon your internet bandwidth. Although I have to say I am personally not sold on streaming video at this stage in the game. I think Bandwidth needs to be a bit wider and more reliable for better quality video.

Ja-El: Are you still using the Jonny-"crotch"-rockt email address? My GF sent you an email, but I wasn't sure if the addy was still live.


Monday, July 21, 2008


It was either the reading the constitution or watching a utube clip "boy gets nutsacked". I read one and watched the other! The boy getting T-bagged while passed out on the couch and his "buddies" dippin him was pretty fucking funny though. I doubt if you did that to a 300 pound herculean guy, you'd live too long to see the next day.

Ryan & Eric - The Dark Knight looked awesome, I will go watch it, spending a whoppin 3 dollars for 2.5 hours of good lovin! Awesome! I didn't like his acting in Knights Tale or maybe he just chose the wrong movie - maybe all the Queen Rhapsody just gave him bad Acid flashbacks. Redeemed then!

So the Fro' Yo wars have started here. Since I've been doing it 3 other competitors have entered the market, frogen crap, white crap, and yogurcrap. So now it's a mad dash for mall territories. Kinda of like a game, similar to Acquire or something, except not everyone has equal moneys and has a fog of war. Kinda cool though. Maybe i'll make a board game later

All movies should be 2.5 hours

To have to put up with the shit that goes on at movie theatres, and the kick-ass cost of going to see one, every movie I go to should be 2.5 hours long. Minimum. I must say though, there were no negative experiences from my most recent Indiana Jones outing in Capitola, for what that is worth.

I have seen (1) movies in the past 2 years I think, so I am totally a person with a right to an opinion on the subject.
About two years ago (these conversations are paraphrased):

Me: I really like Lost.
Eric: I started watching it but I stopped after there was a polar bear.
Me: Dude, just push past it. A lot of things happen on that show that don't make sense. It starts to unravel itself as you watch it.
Eric: No.
Me: *sigh*

Me: I think you'd really like Alias. The writing is good and the show is exciting. Plus Jennifer Garner is hot.
Eric: No.
Me: *sigh*


Eric: I really like Alias and Lost.
Me: *sigh*

Just fucking with you dude.

Johnny, I also found the fact that you were reading the Bill of Rights kind of random, but interesting at the same time. I wonder how many Americans actually take the time to do that. What made you want to do that?

I went and saw The Dark Knight last knight. I really liked it. It was a bit long (2.5 hours) but Heath Ledger as The Joker was amazing, and I'm not saying that just because he is dead. His performance to me was so compelling that when he wasn't on screen, I couldn't wait until he appeared again. No homo.
Yeah, I think I watched a random Alias where she was in the Morocco or something, then I remember trying to watch the series finale because it was all hyped and not understanding a damn thing. Kinda sucks, because I *think* I retained some knowledge from it and I'm trying to supress it so as not to spoil the shit out of this show. But same thing, had no interest in it when it was on, and just tried it on a whim and totally dug it now.

This is a really super fun physics based browser puzzle game:
It's kind of addicting and you can really go balls out and make crazy shit. I mostly suck at it though, but still fun to play around with.

I don't know shit about the declaration of imancipation or whatever, so can't really think of any good comments on that.

Kudos to Johnny!

Of all the things to read in passing, I think this ranks up there as one of the last possible options I would pursue in an attempt to stave off boredom, or even to try and learn something new.

Of course, I am notorious for choosing to fill my head with useless knowledge, if it can be called that, versus anything of alleged substance, ie literature, etc.


- Finally have Alias in the ole Netflix queue. I borrowed it from Ryan many moons ago, and apparently never tried it, because I really like it! The thing is, I remember watching an episode where they were doing some middle east rescue mission with helicopters (I think) and it just didn't appeal to me. Maybe I am a new man, because I really like it now!

- Also, watching Lost. I like the idea of Lost, and I REALLY like the sound track and title screen. Very evocative of a modern day Twilight Zone. It is also fun to make guesses as to just WTF is going on. Fun watch. I also tried watching this many moons ago, and when I saw the polar bear on a tropical island, I was not a fan. Call me judgemental, but now everything is different!

- Having finished Angel and being sad about not being able to hang with my good friends on that show anymore, I found out there is a comic book picking up where it left off, just like with Buffy! Yay for me! AND, there is a miniseries featuring Spike too! Netflix it, boys!