
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Joss Whedon to the Rescue!

So the jerk canceled Angel because he was too busy working on his millionth rewrite of the Wonder Woman script, fine. I can forgive that (sort of, but not really) because he has a new offering on iTunes "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog"!

Joss + Musicals + Doogie Howser, MD = Success!

It is a good fix if you wish there were more episodes like "Once More With Feeling" from Buffy, and it is a good watch even if you never saw that episode.

$3.99 on iTunes for at LEAST 3 episodes, or that is how many have been released so far, the season pass gets you all of em!

It is funny, the songs are good in that Whedon sort of way, and totally worth $3.99!

Do it!