
Saturday, May 31, 2008

I was looking over Aaron's favorites list on YouTube, and it's weird because all he has is that Different Strokes episode over 30 times... and then the one where Sam is kidnapped. Freak.

RE: Gas Prices. I just got my car back fixed from my hit n run a month ago, and going around checking gas prices, the 87 was around like $4.40 in a bunch of places. What a fucking scam. Fuck. I found a place where it was $4.15 and I was all excited. That's just pathetic.
Here's that Diff'rent Strokes episode we were talking about!
Hey Eric, does Wiley watch Yo Gabba Gabba!? I never heard about this show till this morning, but it sounds nutty! Created by some guy from the Aquabats and it's all freaky and weird and has all these famous guest stars and bands on it. Why didn't we invent a kids show? Funny. :(

SUPERNOVA on the show!

Dudley's Tarzan Adventure Show!
I'll start thinking of episode ideas.
Jon's Depravity has to be the winnar in that photo gallery. I did also enjoy the continuing downward spiral of our general appearances as the road trip gallery wore on.

Today's best inspiration poster:


Friday, May 30, 2008

Rood: I am glad you liked the photos. I am surprised it took me until the last round of the last game of Time's Up to realize how good the photos would be. I just didn't even think about it. More than anything I would have loved to catch Georgia O'Keefe and Gepetto on film. Oh well.

j0rn: Good to hear about the end of the nightmare. Maybe now you won't be a perpetual zombie on the weekends.

Myke: You, j0rn and I should get together a few times before you skip town for the summer. What is your schedule the next few weeks looking like?


Thursday, May 29, 2008


I am done with this benighted project. We shipped today. It was an Epic Fail. I am moving on to something else and I could not be happier about it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh my god, those pictures came out great Aaaaron. I love the one of the masses waiting to get at Eric's games and there's Jon flipping the bird in a totally creepy Shining moment.
EDIT: Holy shit, these are great. The ones from Times Up with Mike (and all of us) acting out something and then all the bummer ones of people shielding themselves from my horrible ass that night. I'M SORRY, FUCK! Like I engineered it to be that bad.

Bonus Edit: On the GFW podcast I listen to one of the guys said he went to Kubla Con so he talked about it a little bit (and they sorta clown him.) COOL! Listen. He was there for wargaming sounds like.

So beat

I am still lagging. After the Con I went out with my GF and her sister until mid-eve. I was a ruin by the time I got home. Plus I have been playing catch up at work. Blah!

On the upside I was finally able to get the pictures up and the spreadsheet completed this eve. Have at it boys. If you have forgotten the password, just think... Batman... Punch... Two words and no spaces. Still don't get it, e-mail me.

jr0n: That sounds like your department is about exactly where you half expected them to be, isn't it?

I am glad we were able to bust out for the extra Thursday action. Normally I feel a bit rushed as Monday comes up, but this time, I felt like it was just about right. Good shit guys. See you all next year!

BTW, the bill for the room and the Knuckles tab came out to $1,218.08 or $174.01/head. Maybe next year DaveDefeat and Ian will make it and help subsidize. jArk.

That project you're working on sounds hellish man. Good luck dude. Hope it's over soon and you can move onto something more reasonable. Barbie Horse Riding: Leapfrog Edition?

Check out this application called Mario Paint Composer. [Link] I just downloaded the app so I'm going to mess with it today, see if it's easy to use.
Bohemian Rhapsody done with Mario Paint Composer. It's really fucking good.

Watched 30 Days of Night last night. It was good! It's an adaptation of some graphic novel, so it's got that weird mix of the first 2 acts being pretty good creepy horror, then the last act basically showing it's comic book roots. You know, goofy dumb comic stuff. But it actually looks fantastic and is fairly creepy until it turns into horror-action-adventure. Much better than Cloverfield though. Worth a rental if you haven't already seen it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The con was good. I really needed the break after (counts on fingers) six or seven weeks of working every day. I actually have been so tired that I could barely think or talk. So just hanging around away from work did me good.

Where are those entries on the game spreadsheet Enron?

Actually I think we have been slackin' on the game spreadsheet in general this year and need to step it up. I mean even if you're playing dominos with your friends at the rec center or something, I want to read about it! Reading about what people are playing is one of my little joys.

Today was such a stupid day at work. Saturday was supposed to be the big web deployment. Well that effort shit the bed and they slipped their delivery time to eleven o' clock this morning. We heard nothing until three at which point they told us they would deliver sometime around 7:00. A lot of "hurry up and wait" ensued. Fast forward to eight o' clock where our boss starts asking for volunteers to test in case the delivery happens between two and six AM (I didn't sign up for that one). Note: our ship date is Thursday.


Edit: Movie Review
Watched CLOVERFIELD last night, and it was such a mixed bag. You'd think it'd be awesome. Written by a guy who was a regular Buffy/Angel writer who now writes for Lost. Produced by JJ Abrams of Lost fame. Directed by some asshole, but anyways, it was just "hmm." It's basically a monster movie ala Godzilla. But the whole gimmick of it is that the whole movie is from the POV of this dudes camcorder from beginning to end. So it's SUPER shaky-cam. If you can't handle that, then forget about it. But, visually it works (in a Blair Witch but more refined sorta way.) There's some really awesome scenes you catch glimpses of as these people run throughout New York trying to escape the monster. Shit like, they turn a corner and you see troops n shit fighting the monster. Looks cool. What's "mix-baggy" about it? Oh my god, the characters are the WORST. I totally thought it was parody but then I watched some of the special features and no, these people were all into the story. Worthless story. Dumbest characters you've ever seen, and you pretty much insta-hate every single one of them from minute 1. So that's what made it hard to recommend. If you can go into it not minding that the whole time you're following a group of utter retards, then there's some cool shit in it.

Rock Band Nerdiness:
Target has 1600 xbux cards on sale for $15 bucks this week, so that's $5 off. I bought a couple and got a couple of songs for RB. I'm holding off on the Cars album - I like most of the songs, but the drum tracks don't really blow me away. Bought the Blondie song "Hanging on the Telephone" though, and that's a great song. Not much to add... Also bought UNO because there's always multiplayer games for it. It's like a poor-man's Techu. Fun, but seems kinda weaksauce vs some of the awesome card games us gamers all know and love.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Post-Con Stink Up

When I got home from the con this morning I felt like DYING. Oh my god, I was SO burned out and tired and felt like death. BUT, I had a great time. Thanks for all the fun games, horrible food, good cheap laughs, BBWs, and just overall good time. I still haven't fully recovered. I was in my bed by about noon and sorta slept for a few hours, but I still have that "ehhh" feeling to my body. Gonna take a few days to recover.

Share your pictures Dennis and Enron and whoever else was snapping pics. I wanna see how things came out. Sorry Mike if it seemed like I was picking on you in the bar. I guess the beer turned me into a mean drunk (I'm usually a nice drunk) and I should have been equally mean to everyone about the awesome hotel food service. No hard feelings I hope!

Non-Con related, I looked at the AoW page Eric, and it looks awesome! Shoot me a password if you can - I'd love to try the demo. NICE presentation you guys got on the page. I was looking over the XNA stuff again and had that "ohhh I wish I could make video games" dream again. That kinda goes with my "wish I was an Archaeologist like Mike" feelings I get when he and I talked about his digs. Guess the only thing stopping me is myself. Cool to see people I'm friends with doing interesting and rad things. Wish I could be a worthless turd who spent a fuck-ton of hours playing Puzzle Quest and listening to video game podcasts - oh wait, I did do that today. Good job Rudy.

EDIT: One of my podcasts today had the guys in charge of the XNA Creator's Club on it, and they were implying that when you create games in XNA you can compile them for either 360 or Win - is that the case for yours? I guess what I'm getting at is that from the movie it looks like it could fit perfectly in the XBLA in the same way Puzzle Quest does (and PQ seemed to be a hit across a shit-ton of platforms - so many people I know have it on the DS and either WIN/XBLA - would rock so hard if you guys went epic in that direction.)