
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

That project you're working on sounds hellish man. Good luck dude. Hope it's over soon and you can move onto something more reasonable. Barbie Horse Riding: Leapfrog Edition?

Check out this application called Mario Paint Composer. [Link] I just downloaded the app so I'm going to mess with it today, see if it's easy to use.
Bohemian Rhapsody done with Mario Paint Composer. It's really fucking good.

Watched 30 Days of Night last night. It was good! It's an adaptation of some graphic novel, so it's got that weird mix of the first 2 acts being pretty good creepy horror, then the last act basically showing it's comic book roots. You know, goofy dumb comic stuff. But it actually looks fantastic and is fairly creepy until it turns into horror-action-adventure. Much better than Cloverfield though. Worth a rental if you haven't already seen it.