
Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm already at SFO... don't see a lot of gaming going on... :(

Yeah dude, I mean the thur right before the con!
You mean Thursday the 22nd, right? Not THIS Thursday...
I land at SFO on thursday night at 7:05. Have my hummer-limo ready! Let's go see Indiana Jones.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My favorite piece of GTA mayhem that I've committed was when I was discharged from the hospital and Enron suggested that I turn around and go inside it. Soon there was a pile of corpses around the waiting room and exit, blood all over the sliding glass doors, and cops parking outside and persistently going for the choke point of the narrow doors. It was definitely a humanity point moment.

I just rewatched Temple of Doom. It was WAY better than I remembered, actually pretty good and Kate Capshaw, while annoying, was nowhere near as bad as I recalled. It is pretty intense for the entire last hour though, and definitely was worth inventing the PG-13 rating for... I remember it being fairly horrifying when I was nine.

In retrospect I wish I'd learned the most important lesson about how to handle women from that movie. I would have gone to school every day wearing a leather jacket and carrying a whip and totally emulated his move where Kate Capshaw is walking away and Indy is all "whp-PSH!" and lassoes her around the waist. I would have been the coolest kid in school for sure and definitely would have gotten to at least first base at the junior high prom.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Yeah, it's a pretty good game huh. I don't think it's a 100% like some reviews are saying, but it is pretty impressive. When I'm playing the story mode I usually tend to keep the mayhem to a minimum, but then I'll save at the end and then just go nuts. The multiplayer is fucking fun, but I burned out a little on it and now I'm just playing the single player.

Yeah, COD4 was fucking great. That part when you're doing the snipe mission with just one other dude was SO great, my goodness. Nuke part was accidentally spoiled for me somewhere so the impact was totally deadened for me (which sucked) but overall, what a blast. Tried some online for kicks and I can see how it would be addictive if I was into that sort of thing. You get xp and level up and all this shit. Pretty neat.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

I really liked CoD4 as well Rude, especially after the nuke scene -- very cool and unexpected, and gave real urgency to the rest of the game. Plus the Chernobyl mission was great, and the entire last mission (where you storm that final complex) was supar exciting.

I'm really enjoying GTA4. It's really my first GTA game since my previous GTA experience was mostly limited to playing it at friends' places. I really like the dating, bowling, etc. The attention to detail is amazing. There are guys at work who literally stayed up until 2:00 AM, not actually doing any missions in the game, but just watching the TV shows or surfing the Internet in the game. Amazing. Unfortunately I punched my TV so I can't watch it. :[

Enron and Mike came over today and we spent a good few hours passing the controller around running down pedestrians, doing jumps and generally causing havoc. How little we've changed.
Nice recommondation Art, I've never seen that show. I'll check it out. I love geeky good shows. I just finally rented and finshed the 2nd season of Rome. It was awesome. Kinda turbo-fast paced as far as telling the huge story of Cesar then Augustus Cesar, but I guess there's too much ground to cover otherwise. Rad show though.

EDIT: Looks like your show is on HULU.COM so I'm gonna start watching today! That's a great site and it's a cool legal alternative to watching torrents. I actually prefer catching BSG on it because the quality is not bad, and the commercial breaks are super short.

I gave the new Grand Theft Auto a rest to play Call of Duty 4 since I got the rental at the same time, and the single player is SO good. You didn't like it Eric? I played it on Easy because I'm a big pussy, but it was SO cinematic and a pretty fun and crazy story. Couple of cool scenes that weren't expected and I finished the whole thing in maybe 5 hours? Maybe 8, I'm not sure. I just went nuts and couldn't put it down. I thought it was excellent and thank god it wasn't set in friggen' WW2.
I can haz Action Team now?

I'm ALIVE! Life has been kicking me in the balls lately.. haven't had much time to do anything other than work, crash, work some more, crash some more.. but I've been keeping up on the reading. Good times.

Eric, that aerial pic is just nasty. There are some similarly ugly pics of Japanese cities before/after firebombing runs. But as the Mr. Hitler guy once said, no one asks you if you were "right" if you win.

Did anyone else watch the show "New Amsterdam"?? It was one of the few luxuries I could afford 40 minutes here and there to take in these past couple of months. Other than being too short (writer's strike, maybe?), the first season thus far has been VERY kick ass. For you down-loading, DVD-buying fools, I strongly recommend checking it out. It's kind of a Highlander-meets-detective-crime-drama vibe. Lots of witty, dry interchange.. great show!