
Sunday, May 04, 2008

I really liked CoD4 as well Rude, especially after the nuke scene -- very cool and unexpected, and gave real urgency to the rest of the game. Plus the Chernobyl mission was great, and the entire last mission (where you storm that final complex) was supar exciting.

I'm really enjoying GTA4. It's really my first GTA game since my previous GTA experience was mostly limited to playing it at friends' places. I really like the dating, bowling, etc. The attention to detail is amazing. There are guys at work who literally stayed up until 2:00 AM, not actually doing any missions in the game, but just watching the TV shows or surfing the Internet in the game. Amazing. Unfortunately I punched my TV so I can't watch it. :[

Enron and Mike came over today and we spent a good few hours passing the controller around running down pedestrians, doing jumps and generally causing havoc. How little we've changed.