
Friday, November 21, 2008

Zombie Killing Live

There is truly something to be said about mass slaughter of the undead. For whatever reason it brings out the most visceral violence in gamers. Ill have to check that bad boy out. I have actually not been terribly motivated to plunk down on a Gold membership, but since I have Netflix and the 360 now offers streaming movie content, I may buy in since you need a gold membership. Maybe after that I will look into Left 4 Dead.

elZar: Yup, same situation for me. I had a relatively recent AGP card, but an AGP MoBo is not something you want to purchase anymore, unless you are sticking with an old platform and cpu. Such is the way of the industry.

jr0n: You know I never knew what the hell his angle was other than he had a bad youth. Either way, he had three of the following four attribute sets:
  1. The ability to absorb other hero's powers.

  2. A nasty tendency to kill other Heros shortly after gaining said skills.

  3. Generally unpleasant and maniacal.

  4. Oh yeah and he had gills, lived in a lake and has a good fightin' game fish.
