
Thursday, November 20, 2008


eLzar :: I went through a very similar drill a few months ago with my rig. Although, I also had to replace the Vid Card too due to the fact that it's teeth were too long to fit in the new MoBo. While processor speeds have not increased much, I have got to say the extra core and the wider bandwidth in the system buses did have a reasonable impact. Still, it seems that single threaded processing has not changed so much. Three cheers to throwing more cores at a problem. Too bad most applications are still lagging in making use of these extra processing streams. Adobe products run real nice now though. The upside to all of this is that my rig is very quiet now.

Funny that you mention the Wayback machine... Coincidentally, after years of not visiting the site, this morning I was showing a co-worker the persistence of ones presence on the web via the Wayback machine. Even if you remove yourself from various incriminating sites, your still doomed. One more reason to leave all traces of our last names off this site. Could you imagine? None of us would ever be employed again.

Ry :: Hopefully the new Trek movie will be sah-sess-ful reboot of the series. The new Spock actor does seem a bit unsettling. Maybe that is a vestige to his hero character that was just an evil bass.
