
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Moar deals

Ah, the tail end of Thanksgiving weekend. So sad. And yet, Christmas break will be here soon!

- Art, one thing I am thankful for is that I am no longer in Dallas. Give me the good old, liberal godless commie faggot Hussein-electing coast anyday. I hope those motherfuckers secede.
- Thanksgiving was a smashing success. I was not quite as destroyed as last year (I was literally unable to talk five minutes after eating last year) but it was still pretty devastating on my bowels, etc. Beforehand my girlfriend was fretting that we would not have enough food. Well, nine people basically only managed to destroy about 1/2 of everything we had. Thanks Aaron, Mike and s.o's for all the goof stuff!
- I really enjoyed my 48 hour trial of xbox gold and playing Left for Dead with you guys! It's been a little too busy lately since to set up and play since, but I am going to try and get back online again this week. (I also have a free month from when my xbox was xb0rken.) Enron and played some split screen co-op mode yesterday and had a good time. Splitting our flatscreen in half seemed so small. I still cannot believe we played four-player Goldeneye on Aeryk's 15" TV back in the day. Enron, I think you mentioned possibly signing up for Live sometime after Xmas? I'll bite the bullet if you will!
- Myke has invested a great deal of time and effort in procuring a huge number of Doomtown cards, and then organizing them by set so that you can build decks with the cards available at any given time in the release cycle. I think this is both crazy and awesome, or even crazy/beautiful. We've played this a couple times in the last year and it's still a really good game. I would totally buy in if they relaunched it.
- Denis and Aeryk might be interested in this one: Fantasy Flight is having a pretty mammoth sale and one thing they are doing is fire saling all the AT-43 and Confrontation stuff (they are getting out of the distribution game for Rackham, I don't know what the story is there). So the prices have gone from pricey to very palatable indeed. I'm going to fill out my UNA and Therian armies just on the off chance that we play again at Kubla Con! They are also selling off a lot of Cthulhu card game stuff for really cheap as well. Linky!