
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Left <3 Dead

Well, on your recommendations I picked up Left 4 Dead, I figure it's as good a time as any to use my one-month subscription. It's a busy week, but hopefully we can find a time in the next few days to fire it up!

Dallas is a land of friendly, stupid people and horrible freeways. The water tastes like dirt everywhere you go. I was there for my college roommate's wedding and the only reason I went was that it promised to be a crazy Indian bash. All the parts that involved the wedding itself were very cool! There were horses, fire, etc. I'll try to post some pictures later when I am less baked. I woke up today eaaaarly to get to the airport, only to end up missing my flight anyway and having to spend an extra 4 hours cooling my heels and eating airport food and am thoroughly wiped.

Re Arrested Development, the 3rd season definitely is not quite up to the standards of the 1st and 2nd season. There is a tonal shift that occurs that is jarring at first. I think it picks up in the 2nd disc, and there are some classic bits like the Godzilla bit, etc. but it is not dy-no-mite to the same extent. I did notice that I enjoyed the third season a lot more after a second viewing than I did the first time around. There are a lot of number terms in this paragraph. I suppose that makes it hard to follow!