
Friday, November 21, 2008

Luv 4 Texass, by jr0n Peckerwood...

jr0n, what can you say. The place blows and pretty much all of the stereotypes are true. Sad. Anyway, have you bought a gun rack yet? I will be disappointed if you haven't, unless of course you are just debating on which model to purchase. I guess it could be a toss up between the rare elephant ivory model or the high performance gas powered model with AC. Also, I signed up for gold live when I got the Box and never used it. Hurray for lame.

Ahh, I had almost forgotten how sad eLzar looks when he posts. It always give his comments an emo flair.

Rude: jr0n loves Dallas and is looking for an apartment. He got tired of the hemophiliacs up here. I guess they don't bleed in Tex.
