
Thursday, November 27, 2008

I can has Action Team!

Nice to have a day off from work. Navigating two separate family gatherings will be interesting, but let's just say I may not cry too much if we stay longer than anticipated at my uncle's house and wind up being late to the Hyena party at the in-laws.

John in Tey-hass? Whut? Good luck navigating through the enlightened masses of the Southern United States. Enjoy the food, but leave before you start hating fags and colored people.

Left 4 Dead sounds so awesomez. I see videos, personal accounts.. good times. I just don't have the free time anymore for games. Meh. I guess it's good to even have a job in this kind of economy, but the 14 hour days are getting to me.

Anyhow, on to happier Gnuz. We're having a boy! Weeee! We're completely stuck on deciding on a name though. Current front-runners include Jackson, Bennett, Braeden, Westley, Kieran, Aidan, Finn.. ?

Personally, I think we should just name him Emperor Wu-Tang or Chairman Mao Nikisch.

Welp, gotta go start cookin' .. everyone have a good turkey day! I'll try to be better about blogging and checking in. Shit, it seems like life is just on fast-forward right now. It's a blur!

