
Monday, September 15, 2008

Rock Band Deux

- Picked it up yesterday, and forgot how much I dislike the RB guitar controller. Not enough to buy a Guitar Hero one yet, hopefully the Guitar Hero World Tour Controller will scratch that itch. My 30 second review is that the game is good, so far the songs are good (Anyway You Want It - Journey being the most fun song to play ever), and the ability to World Tour solo and switch instruments is a mixed bag. It is great fun to do the 'roleplay' aspect of the game, but the downside is the whole random setlists where you get stuck playing the worst songs you hate but need to play like 5 in a row or you fail.

Another plus, you can import all the Rock Band 1 songs into the game! Huzzargh!

All in all, a super sexcellent game and purchase that will have me playing the one man studio musician in my garage for a long, long time. A good, solid game for fans of the genre.

- I really don't like the guitar at all. As I type this, my fingers and hands are reminding me of how old I am and how playing long sessions with a crappy Rock Band guitar will fatigue and hurt after a while.

- Hit level 63 with Docnorvell a few nights ago! ABBBOOOOOSCHHHHHH!!!!! Also, got to play with Kasiopaeia for a little but a few nights ago, haven't seen her since, and have yet to see Borst, Blurst, or Fashionista, but I am ever hopeful!

- Picked up this little game called How to Host a Dungeon (look it up on BGG). It basically is a set of processes and flowcharts that creates a dungeon over time. So it starts when the ground was solid, then throws in some reasons for anything to want to settle there (mineral deposits, etc.) Then sort of simulates and builds civilizations year by year until they fail for whatever reason and leave their dungeons behind only to be settled by another civ for different reasons later. You basically draw a representational map as you roll some dice and add some fluff. In the end you have a dungeon location that is there for a reason, and has a history. I have played it a little it at work, but it needs some space and uses counters for certain parts so I have not gone too far into the process. I think it was a $5 pdf download. Check it!