
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hey Ja-El! Sorry we missed you last weekend.

We picked up Rock Band 2 as well. So far, a good time, although we're only a couple clubs into the game. Eye of the Tiger is super fun to play on Expert!

I had a weird day. I've been having a lot of eyestrain lately, so I went to the doctor this morning, not realizing that they would end up dilating my eyes and therefore I'd have to end up taking the day off. I ended up sleeping until 2:00, waking up to eat some chips and salsa and then falling asleep again. Feels like college or something.

Things I've been enjoying lately:
- Braid. Really fun, I only looked up the solutions to a few puzzles at the end (ring world) when I got sort of exasperated. I also looked up a story guide after completing it -- wow, all that stuff went totally over my head. Good moody game.
- Warmachine. It has been enjoying a mini-Rennaisance lately. So fun!
- Descent. We're finally nearing the end of our epic campaign. Saturday's session was actually one of our most fun yet, way better than the last one (which kind of turned into a festival o' defeatism on the part of the non-Action Team players). I think the odds are in my favor as the evil Overlord, but it feels sorta close.
- Anathem. Neal Stephenson's new book. Very strange sci-fi novel taking place in a convent in an alternative universe. It's good to read something sci-fi by him again. Like his recent books, slow to get going but really interesting once it does. Kind of reminds me of Chronicle for Leibowitz.