
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Viva La Differance!

But the difference here is that I don't like the way that Against Me and Arcade Fire sound after hearing them. Given, not extensive listening, but what I have heard, I don't like.

I didn't like the Alias episode I saw years ago, and have actually burned out on it by the end of the first season. Lost however, I do still enjoy very much.

I certainly have my opinions, and I make my snap judgments (mostly against minorities and women) so I am no way unwilling to call this pot black.

BUUUUUUTTTTT, Enron drives me nuts on this one because I KNOW that he will like this game, but he still holds on to the illusion that you can't play the game without gettin' grief 24/7 as soon as you log on and that the game is simply all about juvenile behavior.

Any game that Curt Shilling is obsessed with, can't be all bad, can it? :)

EDIT: Here are a few analogies that 'support' my obsession with this whole WoW deal (that btw has been blown awesomely out of proportion, but where would we be without internetz out of proportion blowing?):

- (broken logic jump) I won't use knives to cut my food because mass murderers use knives to kill their victims and I don't really condone or like that behavior.

- (okay logic) I don't want to try mackerel because I really don't like most cooked fish.

- (broken) I don't really like to hang out with white people because Jeffrey Dahmer was white and a mass murderer, which I don't like.

- (okay) I don't like music where women sing, therefore I don't really want to listen to L7.

Where am I going with all of this? I am simply using this opportunity to reveal that I don't like white people, women, fish, or murder, but am too afraid to actually directly tell anyone about it. Oh yeah, and something about Enron and WoW.