
Sunday, August 10, 2008


You guys should record a podcast while you're on this weird Man-Con 2008! (Sounds rad, wish I could make it.)

As far as doing a group podcast through skype, I've heard a few who use that. Not as perfect and smooth as if we were all in a room, but I think it's a pretty cool idea that we should at LEAST try to pull off once. I guess the trick is one of the computers recording the conference call. I see something called "virtual audio cables" as some type of solution, but as far as I know, that costs $40 bucks or something, and who knows, there might be other ways around it anyways ( I mean, I have multiple programs that record ANY sound coming off my computer, so I might not even need that thing.)

Topics: What do we all have in common? Hep C! Also, GAMES! Board games, rpgs, minis, video games. Also, just the random shit we used to talk about when we used to be friends way back when. :(

SHOW 1: Possible Topics
- 4th Ed DnD. You guys have already said a lot about it, and after Molester Con maybe you'll have more info on it.

- What have you been playing lately? Ex, Eric: Wargames, solo. Me, Braid and Geometry Wars 2. Jon, Leapfrog Pen. Jael, thai-hooker to lapdance conversion game(trial edition.) Etc, etc etc.

I just wanna talk to you guys again, and I think as an experiment it would be pretty cool and fun to try (sort of like our movies we did in Eric's room.) I'm here for the Christ.