
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big TVs and garden plots

I f this is any indication of my free time lately, my TV is growing a beard and my plot is a bag of weeds. I'm a inattentive parent right now. What are you going to do? On the other hand I get to go out tonight for a bit, yeah!

Ry: I hear ML baseball players are all sandy 'ginas anyway. But all the same if I see his ass online or at the game store Ill tell him what is up.

FYI, Futbol has been resurrected from Pompeii. Hopefully he can partake in some gaming action. Maybe pr0n and I can run him through... 4e that is.

I <3 you to eLzar the gozarian, no homo. Supar comforter pillow fight next time we meet!
