
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ya, the media really scrutinizes him, but a guy willing to put himself out there like that - sex sells but he sounds a bit creepy, (a blowjob during an interview?) - But I didn't make a judgement about the company until I went on their website and saw a whole bunch of sleezy pornoesque photos - not even of their product, just some teen girls.

Link to bush - well.. ya that was a bit stretched - just implying that the company didn't have any morals (or the ceo) just to sell it's products. And since it's doing so well - says a lot of america and what companies do to profit, and ( cover it up by doing something charitable as well). Imo, for various reasons, Bush signifies everything un-moralistic in our government and hence the obscure connection.

Anyway Ryan, sorry if it seemed out of perspective! I'm just a bored man with opinions and seemed like a neat little blog at the time.