
Sunday, June 08, 2008


eLzar, I too had the same sort of temptations to pick up 4e. Even, knowing full well it will in all likelihood never see the light of day within our group, I still was tempted. The fact is no one in our group has the time to learn the new system and run an adventure. Besides, most of the members in the group seem over DnD and more interested in other systems if an RPG were to be played. Booo... Certainly the reviews and experiences I have read on line are intriguing indeed. Are they the right direction for the franchise? Probably...

jr0n: Uggg.. When did you pick up your 360? Sounds like yours is of the older generations that is much more prone to that sort of failure. I have heard that the first couple generations of the 360 has a 30% failure rate. Seems a very typical Micro$oft rationale for releasing something not quite ready for prime time. Always one year too early with that company.

r00d: My GF is hopelessly addicted to Lego Indy on the DS. I sometimes wake up around midnight to the sound of legos breaking and whips cracking. Pretty funny actually.

Ry: That sounds like a pretty unpleasant experience. Hopefully, it will not be all for nil. If the septum can be repaired, it may make the experience worth it. Unfortunately, it sounds like Ja -El went through a similar experience. He had some nose work completed maybe four years ago. I am not sure if it was sleep apnea related, but it definitely was related to restricted air flow through his nose. In the end he seemed very dissatisfied with the outcome of the operation. He didn't seem to have a lot of confidence in his surgeon's skills afterwords. But that was right after the surgery and maybe the condition lessened after the the swelling and scarring had a chance to subside.
