
Thursday, April 10, 2008


Just got in a fucking car wreck. FUCK. I've wrecked 3 fucking cars. THIS TIME I was the victim of a hit n' run. On the way to work this morning around 7am I was stopped behind a bus who was stopped at a railroad crossing. I was in a good mood, just picked up a fuckin' DONUT when I look in my rear view and all the sudden is a fast white jeep coming RIGHT at me. He swerves up onto the curb on the right, nails me in the fuckings back - my head jams into the head rest - then he side swipes the bus then drives off. This is across the street from the Hawthorne police dept. RIGHT across the street. 45 goddamn minutes later a cop shows up. LOL, yes indeed. The guy got away, I had to give all these police reports n shit, and then get my car toed home. The rear passenger side tire was fuckin jammed into the car - it's fucked. Then on the phone with insurance for a long ass time.
