Monday, April 14, 2008
2 Years Young
- So Wylie is two and we just had his BDay party this Saturday. When they tell you it goes by so fast, they are not kidding. For some perspective, I looked at his one year photos on Snapfish tonight, and wow, what a difference a year makes. Those of you with kids, well Art anyway, know what I am talking about, those that don't have kits (YET, I hope) THEY ARE NOT KIDDING!!!! In the blink of an eye they are two. Savor it, people.
- D00d, R00d, what is the diagnosis/prognosis on your coche? Are you bussing it to work? Did they find the guy and are you suing for emotional distress and whiplash? Most importantly, will the insurance folks be fixing your car by Kublacon? It took FOREVER for my truck to get fixed....
- Burnout: Paradise City Review: At first, I was annoyed as it took my beloved series and changed it around by allowing total freedom to drive anywhere throughout the city you wanted. Then I was further annoyed by the lack of structure and the necessity of me exploring the city to find events to participate in. Then more annoyance as I thought about what it would take for me to really get into this game. Then when I woke up I thought maybe I was wrong and suddenly was excited to try it again. It was not as bad as last night, but the thought of what kind of commitment is is necessary to really get any value out of this game is just too much for me. Will be hitting the post office tomorrow.
- Stampy brought in a live gopher today. Torn off tail, bloody patches of fur, and still trying to escape. After separating the two of them, I took the gopher outside and put him in a gopher hole I found, covered the hole with wire mesh and laid a rock on it to keep the cat out. The gopher later expired from what I can only assume was massive trauma and a heart attack. Leslie saw this and filled to hole with mulch and covered it with a flagstone. I realized at that moment that I have never killed anything intentionally in my life. Ants and termites excluded, but I do capture and release spiders into the wild when they are in the house. But that doesn't mean you can fuck with me, cause I will totally go 187 on yo azzes if need be.
- I finished Professor Layton and had another revelation that I have not finished a video game in a REALLY LONG TIME. It was strangely fulfilling.
- The Action Team is just the next phase of that email list we started in 1996 or so called Guy Talk. Anyone remember that? Boy, we were awesome.
- When I was on Prodigy in high school, I posted on the message boards under the name "Loremaster Bob" and said I could answer any D&D related question anyone would ask me. I was hoping to use my vast collection of D&D goodies collected over the years and put them to good use, but mostly I just had assholes make fun of me and say I was retarded.
- I finally got Leslie watching Buffy. I really, really like that show. If you a) have not ever seen it because you think it is stupid, or b) have seen a few episodes and think it is stupid so you stopped, you need to rent it and give it a try again. It is a great show because it doesn't take itself too seriously, has good writing, good characters, some good stories, and is fun. Just skip the first season.
- I can't sleep, so you get to enjoy the fruits of my non-sleeping labor and read the longest blog post evar.