
Saturday, March 01, 2008

nip/tuck? pffft

tv roundup

The Wire: Just started watching the first season. Started out kinda "meh" but it just really clicked a few episodes in. It's quality. Well done. I remember trying to watch some random episode a few years ago and it just made NO sense. You have to watch it in order - but it's SO worth it. At least so far. People say it only gets better so I'm stoked off this one.

Oz: I dunno. I guess it was one of the first (if not THE first) of these cable tv-series kinda shows but it just feels SO dated. It's supposed to pickup after the first season but it just doesn't seem all that "shocking" or gripping. I'll power through season 1 to give it a shot. What's REALLY distracting about it is that it's full of actors who years later turn up in tons of different shows. Law & Order (ton of people), LOST (Mr. Echo and Michael "Waaaaaalt!"), friggen Sopranos (Tony's wife plays a friggen prison guard, what!?) and just a bunch of other recognizable faces. Like the main psychologist they always turn to in Law and Order is the head of the friggen neo-nazis and he's raping dudes but he talks and (kinda) acts JUST like he does as the character on Law & Order! It fucks me up.

The Shield: I was hesitant about trying this one out. Yeah, won tons of awards and gets all kinda rave reviews but the idea just didn't really interest me. Watched the first 4 episodes - it's actually good. The main dude is kind of a ponce (it's friggen "the commish" for crying out loud) and no matter HOW bad and horrible and fucked up he acts, I'm still not "convinced" you know? But it's an interesting show and although it doesn't really have the depth of "the wire" it's still pretty cool.

Naruto: Yeah, I dunno why I throw this in my Q... I think the 360 game looked cool so I wanted to actually watch an episode before renting the game. I know fuck all about anime and all that crap, but it's pretty enjoyable and random. If I was a kid again I'm sure I'd be all over this shit.

Mash: I actually haven't watched this yet (other than parts of random shows on tv since we were little kids.) A good friend got all hooked on this shit and he watched all 11 seasons just totally obsessed. ANd he's like a rocker tatted-up pretty boy. So maybe there IS something to this show that usually looks SO unappealing to me. That fucking theme song. Growing up, that shit came on late at night and usually meant nothing else good was gonna be on tv. Now I'm old, so maybe the anti-war shit will appeal to me. Friend said its really funny and touching.

I didn't watch all these in one night or anything! This is over the last few months. I guess tonight The Wire just totally stuck for me so I decided to share my reviews.