
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hentacle '08

Salutations! Got back from Japan over a week ago. Of course I catch the bird flu as soon as I breathe in LA air. Still not over it yet. Also it looks like the country goes to hell when I leave. I come back and Gygax is dead and gas is almost 4 bucks? I gotta find closer places to get my porn.

The trip was primarily to go to a model figure con. Image a Gen Con sized event for model figure kits of all kinds: Girls, robots, monsters, anime characters, video game characters, girls in maid outfits, girls in impractical armor, girls with swords. You get the idea.

Didn't find myself a yakusa bride. Did have a 50 dollar steak though. Meh, Apparently my palate isn't refined enough to appreciate expensive food. Did have the freshest sushi I'll ever eat. It was at the main fish market in Tokyo. Did do a ton of nerd shopping.

I'm going to try to make Kubla Con this year. I think Peter is interested too. I'll talk to him. Have to work out travel plans too.

Jon - you still have the hots for Warhammer 40K RPG? I picked up the book too. Though I was terribly crushed that one can't make a bondage eldar pirate, it's still interesting. Oh and At-43? Gorillas in power armor? We live in a wondrous age.

Eric - Civil War?.... ..... .... I guess if I close my eyes and wish really really hard, Sherman was a hot bondage dark elf riding in a tank. Send me the info. Any excuse to go mini shopping is an act of patriotism.