
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Gygax 0HP

Someone made those words into a microbadge at BGG. Clearly an homage in only a way that a gamer molded by many years of gaming could attempt, or appreciate, and mean in only the most kindest way.

We need some 1st Ed. gaming to pay our respect. Maybe I'll solo some Dungeon! tonight.

I still remember buying my first D&D stuff from Zak Langley's brother, Morgan in 5th grade I think, so that would be what, 1984 or so? The image that is forever burned into my memory as I discovered and poured over these new wonderous books that would TOTALLY define my existence for years to come, was Chateau d' Amberville. I will remember this image til my dying day (63 years from now).

I could seriously rattle on and on about D&D and me.