
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Denis, that sounds like an awesome convention! I have sometimes thought about picking up a modeling kit of some type or another, but given I have a shelf groaning with unpainted Warmachine/Hordes miniatures have held off so far. Did you get any good perverted model kits or anything like that? I bet they had naughty tentacle model kits. Were there naughty tentacle model kits? How many new Gundam kits did you buy? I seem to recall you have one or two.

As for whather I am still interested in the 40k RPG, the answer is definitely YES! That game looks fucking awesome to play. I tried to get the local boys together for a game but due to scheduling conflicts, my vacation and now starting up the Descent campaign, it's not happening actively, but the game looks so fun. I would be strongly interested in running it at Kubla. It is always good when we have an RPG to play at the con.

Speaking of Descent, so far the campaign seems to be everything I was hoping for, in that it lets you play lots of shorter dungeons, rather than five or six-hour beasts, and provides a fairly fun and interesting leveling system for both the hero AND overlord players. It is definitely a more RPG-like experience in general, although when it comes down to it the gameplay in the dungeon is more or less the same, so if you're someone like Aeryk for whom the resurrect-in-town-after-dying mechanic fails to resonate, I'm not sure whether the campaign would be a big improvement. This would also be a good one to bring to Kubla actually. It probably would be possible to complete a short campaign.

I have also been toying with the idea of picking up a Blood Bowl team for Kubla, believe it or not. Either the amazons or the nurgle dudes.