
Sunday, March 02, 2008

Battle for Hill 218

The effing game has me by the balls.

Fun little computer version of a little deck of cards, filler game. I have the $6 deck of cards on order, and found that you can play this online fo fre.

The link takes you to an intro webpage with a link to a little java d/l, click it, launch it, then read the rules from in the game, and proceed to get your ass handed to you. So addicting, and yet so annoying. I have beat the AI a fair amount (meaning = quite low) of times on 'easy' but never on hard. I actually fully understand how the game works now, so I am beating the AI more regularly, and it's not that the learning curve is that high, but I just didn't FULLY understand how combat worked. A word from the wise, Pennywise that is: Heavy Weapons are sons of bitches.

Check it out for a nice diversion!

Battle For Hill 218