
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Aw, no Dave? That sucks! The con just got a little quieter....

I vote for getting two rooms. Is there anything we can do to make sure they're both adjacent and facing the atrium?

Glad to hear you got the AT-43 rulebook Aeryk! The game really is fun to play. Some advice if the books pique your interest in the game:
- You can often find the common unit boxes for pretty cheap on eBay (I cleaned up on UNA mechs this way)
- If there is both a unit box and a unit attachment box available, you usually want both
- About 1000 points is a perfectly viable starting army size, ignore the rulebook's filthy lies to the contrary
- As with every other miniatures game ever made, apparently, the rulebook has a lot of errata so make sure you grab that from the website
- Avoid the GF9 tokens, they're pretty but you need like two or three packages to get enough for a typical sized game
- The army list building rules are sort of hard to get your head around at first but fun to dick around with after that
- Unlike 40k or Warmachine, the fluff is lousy, and best avoided!