
Friday, February 22, 2008

Dude, I wanna go to fuckin HONG KONG! Holy shit, that sounds cool as hell. I might be a little scared though... I mean, I seen that Michael Douglas movie Black rain and I don't wanna cross paths with any ornery Koreans on motorbikes!

I got Rock Band a few days ago. Pretty fucking sweet. I was surprised that the drumming part of it REALLY makes you fuckin drum on hard/expert level. Like you have to have independence between arms and feet. It was kinda fuckin' me up! I'm getting better now. It's SO fucking loud though, I'm going to look into ways to mod the kit into being not so fucking noisy. Daytime I mess with drums, nighttime the guitar. If you cheap cocksuckers ever sign up for a gold live membership we can play songs together :(

How'd GDC conference go? Sell any games? I was reading about microFUCKINGROCKSTARsofts XNA thing where you can make shitty games for xbox live (i would like to design a game called Man Pac and it will be retro feeling.) Put yours there, I will buy it.