
Friday, January 18, 2008

To quickly wrap up this matter...

I didn't shout "Charlie Murphy," but I did shout a stream of imprecations.

Why the situation didn't lead to a fight? I'm still not 100% sure but I believe it was a combination of four factors.
1. Perhaps the guy realized that he had erred.
2. Perhaps I was acting so out-of-character crazy that he was stunned.
3. Maybe he didn't want to get in a fight at work for fear of his job.
4. He probably figured he would kill me if we did fight. <-- the most likely situation

As for why it didn't go to HR:
1. For better or worse, that's kinda not how QA rolls (working in QA generally being like working with a bunch of precocious 14-year-olds, who are in the Mafia).
2. Mutual friends of ours immediately worked to calm the situation down in the subsequent days.
3. Although my actions were indubitably wrong, his behavior in the weeks and months leading to my flipping out was traceably bad as well, and a likely result of reporting the situation would have been a Pyrrhic double-firing.
4. Similar to #2, our immediate supervisor acted to chill the situation out. For a lot of reasons... one of which certainly being that if it did come to light, she would have been at the very least severely chewed out for allowing the situation to develop that far. Also that both of us were pretty invaluable to the project and losing either would've been really bad.

It was all really lame, immature and embarassing.

Anyway Rude, yeah Chronicles of Riddick is NOT on the back compat list. I should've been clearer about that. Or, maybe you should have read what I wrote? (Just kidding dude! I'm cool.) Actually, that game is GOOD... it's almost worth borrowing somebody's xbox to play! Or buying the 360 version when it comes out later this year, with better graphics, at a mere twelve times the price you paid!

Game stuff I'm excited about:
1. I haven't played Warmachine in a while (playing my first game in some time against Mike tomorrow, in fact), but suddenly I'm all excited about painting warjacks again! I hate painting infantry (and have the shelf of half- or unpainted infantry to show for it) but love painting warjacks! I believe that from now on I will refrain from painting anything that is not either a warjack, or something with boobs.
2. The Warhammer 40K role-playing game (featuring the players as Inquisitors) comes out later this month. I've read a bunch about it and am totally into running it! In fact, I'm declaring that I'm doing it at the next EricCon/AaronCon. If you're getting it, don't read the adventures Aeryk!!! I don't have time to write my own anymore!
3. I picked up a neat set of rules for fantasy miniatures wargaming called "Song of Blades and Heroes" (terrible name) that I am excited to try. Basically it's a VERY fast playing game (30-45 minutes) with stats for all kinds of generic fantasy beastors. It seems great to play with D&D minis and/or the old Chainmail minis sitting on my shelf.
4. I dug out Jade Empire and am playing through it again. Actually, it's really good and in a lot of ways it's just as good or slightly better than Mass Effect. I'm also itching to play Rock Band against once my shoulder finishes healing, which shouldn't be long now.