
Friday, January 11, 2008

Gizmo Ca-Ca

Looks like that Gizmodod staffer got himself a lifetime ban from the CES. Ooops. Perhaps f'ing with the press release presentations was a little bit too ballsy. Funny thing is, this is exactly the thing I would expect out of my brother... Especially since I gave him one of those evil keychain TV devices last Xmas. Teehehe...

Ahhh... Soul Caliber. That franchise seems a bit tired... Perhaps jump the shark.

In other news, if my saga with SprintNextel several months ago was not enough to convince you of their ineptitude, let me reiterate. FUCKIN' TARDS! This afternoon I received 12 new replacement phones that needed to be activated. Should have been a quick 5 minute task. Instead it turned into a two hour big black mighty bishop mo-throbber holy cluster fuck. I was inches from flying off the handle again. Towards the end of the conversation, I literally was begging the final help desk assistant I spoke with. I asked for her opinion on what I should do, what she suggested as a resolution. Only Nextel knows how to rob me of my cool demeanor, which normally tends to be nearly unlimited. At first, the final person was chastising me on not following their procedures. At this point I was working up to the boiling point to the evil spewing of bitter vitriol about where she could stick the procedures, which by the way. I followed to the letter, when she said, "Oh my, what the hell was the last technician thinking? I see the problem." Where the hell do they find their staff? "The 99 Cent Asshat Staffing Store" maybe? Ugggg...

On a slightly odd note, unfortunately my Grandmother recently discovered email chain-mail/forwards. most of which is the usual cute blurbs, sad stories, or god loving type of nonsense; however, yesterday she sent me a fairly irksome note. The gist of it can be summed up in the following kernels of nastiness:

Subject: Fwd: FW: Barack Hussein Obama!!!!

Okay this starts of bad; But, I am a glutton for punishment so I'll look a little further in.

Barac k Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas.

Okay all possibly true, but I can see where this is going.

The Muslims have said they are plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!

OH COME ON! WTF? I mean I actually do not particularly like Obama's policy or style, but jee-zuz F'n cristobal. This is total twisting of context and fear mongering BS.

The rest of the "article", and I hold this term loosely, puts every reference to Radical (uttered three times) and Muslim/Islam (uttered ten times and not always used in the appropriate form) in caps for effect. If this had come from anyone I knew, other than my grandmother, I would have been very pointed in my response, but alas she is my grandmother. I would just be an ass tearing this to shreds and calling her the equivalent of a blind fucktard. But I got to thinking... My Grandmother is not a very political person and is pretty smart and decently educated for female from her era. Although she has tremendous faith in God she is not necessarily one to blindly eat up any tripe that is pushed in front of her. This just bothers me on so many levels. She truly is a great example of a huge swath of Americans that just eat up any fear-mongering drilled into their heads. It is just depressing. Now I see how the Nazi's pulled the wool over German eyes. Most were too caught up in all the fear mongering to realize they were being manipulated through these fears... Until it was way too late. I would be bummed if that happens to the US. What a sad failure that would be. But I think, as stupid as Americans can be, this will not happen. America tends to fix itself, it just seems to sit to far to the right for my liking and takes too long in righting itself methinks.

EDIT: I am an arsehole and I could not stop myself from responding back to the email. Why couldn't I let this one die? I blame SprintNextel.
