
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bodyguards and Chauffers!? What dude, that's a friggen action-thriller waiting to happen! Sounds like fun man, I wanna live the high life like that! :(

Plot: Jael wakes up in a hotel room with the body of a dead lady-boy hooker and the only clue is a bloody 4-sided die. He enlists the help of fellow Action Team members who happen to be visiting the island-paradise for a role-playing convention/sex-tour. Will the boys be able to prove Jael's innocence, or did he roll a critical fumble messing around with a cheap lady-boy whore?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

2 day splurge

spent the last 2 nights in makati, manila with my brother who visited me en route to Taiwan. His friend treated us to some royal banquet with some shark fins soup, peking duck, huge prawns in the 40th tower floor of some private only club. Chauffered us around with his bodyguard and also paid for our hotel stay. It's been a while since I've eaten like that... typically only at weddings or business events.

Anyway, it was fun, but now i'm back to reality, at the plaza de factory with mess hall dinners and a shabby dorm room. yay!


Monday, September 24, 2007

feliz cumpleanos ryan

i wanna go camping in the Santa Claus mountains :( Don't forget to bring a coat, i hear it gets cold!
Happy b-day Ryan!

Hey Aeryk, I do not think I have it in me to get down to SC next weekend. I will actually be camping with Matt in the SC mountains on Friday/Saturday and I think I'll need a break the rest of the weekend. Although maybe your kid is ready for his first camping trip! Maybe we could meet up for lunch or something in the SC area on Saturday though?


My gf/bff is going to be out of town Oct. 13th-21st, which encompasses not one but two weekends. One thing I have noticed about when she is out of town is that I am just NOT decadent enough. Therefore, I propose that on whichever day is best we have an all day and night gaming, drinking, and farting extravaganza, resulting in the long-awaited unveiling of my prized Mazes and Monsters DVD! In the interest of fairness, I might also be able to make it down there the other weekend. I would appreciate it if you would buy one of those metal, portable sheds for me to sleep in. I've always thought those are sort of cool.
Thanks Guys. No Champagne of Beers, though I wish I'd have thought of that. I like to keep my b-day on the dl, so my players, the asshole I coach with, nor my students knew. My sis came down and went and had a fine Flemming's meal with the fam. My water polo team gave me a gift of two double digit wins that day too. All-in-all, really mellow, not a big deal, just how I like it.
Computer... Suck balls

eLzar: I am now added to the league. My computer had a mini melt down this weekend and I was engrossed is fixing the beast. It took me a few hours to figure it out and I had to completely breakdown my system to find that my video card ate shit. Fortunately I had a spare. Ironic that we were just talking about the our systems being a little long in the tooth. Upon closer inspection, those are loafers. No wait what I meant to say is that upon closer inspection, it would also appear some of my capacitors are failing on my motherboard. A systemic and fatal issue with many MoBos of the era. Boo... On the other hand, "Chainsaw to the throat"... Good stuff

R.edondo "Anger" Dub: Happy belated Bday dood. Did you bust out the champagne of beers to celebrate?


But Just Think How Exciting It Will Be

When the Action Team DOES have a matchup that week! The dicks, asses, boobs, jerks, etc. are gonna be HUGE!

Damnit Enron, I can't get any messages to you on Slash Dot, so you are gonna just have to read this: JOIN THE BGG HOCKEY LEAGUE SO I CAN CLOSE IT AND DRAFT, FUCKER. SEE PASSWORD AND LEAGUE LINK BELOW (ME).

- SC Panzergammengruppe update: I have found a group! For the most part, they play economic games, BUT Ian (the guy I met on BGG) is into Federation Commander, has Advanced Heroquest AND the expansion, Battle Lore, as well as EVERY EXALTED BOOK ever released on his shelf. Owns two BB teams and is in two leagues with them, and is open to learning more wargame stuff. There is another math nerd in the group who is open to wargames too, but he has been know to be stricken with analysis paralysis because of him trying to 'reduce everything to othello'. Oh yeah, he is the lead guitarist for a band called "Hacksaw to the Throat". Interested to see where this wednesday night group takes me. So far, Goa was played last week. Ho, hum.

- Not that anyone cares department: NHL Center Ice Online is radicool! I can't get Center Ice on my cable carrier, so the alternative is to use their online version, which is actually better, sort of. You can watch 4 games at once, split screen style, see live stats and highlights of all the games on the fly, set up a fantasy player button that tells you you live fantasy stats, and I THINK you can watch archived games after they happen. No TiVo functionality for live games I don't think, but either way, at least I get me some Kings!

- Leslie is outta town friday through sunday this weekend, so I got the boy solo. Anyone wanna come over and stay with me? We can play games during naps and after he goes to bed, and change diapers during the day! Along with walks to the beach/forest, eating food, playing, etc. DO IT! *crickets, crickets*

- Watched Parrots of Signal Hill and Air Guitar Nation this past week. Good stuff. I have visions/delusions of entering the SF Air Guitar Qualifying round.... I suggest 'renting' (downloading) it ASAP.

- And for those of you who have not enjoyed Arrested Development yet, I envy you. Rent the first season of that before you do anything with your life! You will not regret it!

- Another no one cares department entry: I have a complete and fully laminated and clipped set of Up Front! sitting on my shelf now. Nothing like having the love for a dead, OOP game.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The non-dick eating non-action team league is a few notches lower on the funness factor. I mean afterall, I was about to see a dickless and apologetic Redondo Anger team.
Now it's just quiet... although the game would probably be more balance overall!

B Day 4 R Dub

I believe yesterday was R Dubs Bday? Sorry I missed it d00d! Hope your fine classes all gave you wonderful gifts composed of such quotes like:

"Don't you yell Happy Birthday at my cousin!"

"I'm gonna blast you a Happy Birthday!"

"Oh my god (burp), that new freshman we (burp) have on the team is SOOOOOO HOT (burp)! My gift to you is to (burp) tell her to do mandatory backstroke (burp)!"

The last one is from Scott, obviously.