
Monday, September 24, 2007

Computer... Suck balls

eLzar: I am now added to the league. My computer had a mini melt down this weekend and I was engrossed is fixing the beast. It took me a few hours to figure it out and I had to completely breakdown my system to find that my video card ate shit. Fortunately I had a spare. Ironic that we were just talking about the our systems being a little long in the tooth. Upon closer inspection, those are loafers. No wait what I meant to say is that upon closer inspection, it would also appear some of my capacitors are failing on my motherboard. A systemic and fatal issue with many MoBos of the era. Boo... On the other hand, "Chainsaw to the throat"... Good stuff

R.edondo "Anger" Dub: Happy belated Bday dood. Did you bust out the champagne of beers to celebrate?
