
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sweaty books

jr0n: I do not have a your copy of Hordes. I have my own copy fucker. Get that shit straight!

Rudy, my gf pushed me to read Anansi Boys earlier this year. I enjoyed it fairly well and went on to read Stardust and American Gods. Pretty good books, although I did not go Ga-ga over them like some people seem to. We went to see Neil speak at a book signing in Berkeley. He seems like a really cool guy. Low key, witty and quite approachable. He had a pretty sweet Q&A session and a good short story reading from Fragile Things. Happy B-Day dude.

You know I don't wear antiperspirant either. The chemical is not good for you and can actually promote worse smelling bacteria to setup shop. I stick with deodorant only. Stress, heat and humidity typically make me sweat, but I have always had light sweats compared to most people. I think Elzar sweats when he gets cold, but he is just plain weird.

Elzar, I do not have a copy of your War of the Ring.

All: Apparently, I was an ass and forgot to post on the blog that my sister gave birth to my nephew, Daven. He was born August 7, 8lbs even, 22 inches. Sorry. Elzar already chastised me, so save it. Ooops. Little bugger is now about 10 pounds now.


PS Jr0n, I think I forgot to tell you happy BDay too. I meant to at ConQuest, even though it was a day early.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Dude, I was gonna add another PS to my post at work cuz while staring at some bday balloons some broad at work bought me, I remembered YOUR punk-ass birthday was like a week before mine. !!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! And I even fucking called you around the date but only asked you about friggen HALF-LIFE! What a tool I am. Sorry man! Yeah, Anansi Boys is on deck. Mr. Nancy is in American Gods and I guess Anansi Boys is a same-verse (oh ya, 'verse baby!) book following that dude's kids or some shit. We'll see.

Happy Birthday!

Hey man, happy birthday! Celebrate by buying yourself a real book for once ;)

Yeah I think stress might have something to do with sweating a lot. Why're you stressed? Work shit? Anyway you shouldn't wear antiperspirant, dude, stick with deodorant. Antiperspirant causes Alzheimer's! (Actually I don't wear either, which is the reason that I probably fucking STINK! FUCK YOU officemates!)

Anyway I read Anansi Boys (still have Enron's copy in fact) and enjoyed it. It was a really fast, light read. I didn't like Good Omens very much, although it gets a lot of geek love. I found the tone to be annoying. I'd much rather just read a Pratchett book.

Eric, check your email

That is all.

Hey Enron or Myke, do you have my copy of Hordes: Primal?

That is all.

The NEW Larry Splotter!

That title was dumb. Anyways, man, got all sucked into the Neil Gaimen novel American Gods! SO GOOD! You know, obviously I've read Sandman a few times and loved it, but I never really gave his novels a try. I think I glanced through one called Good Omens at a bookstore, and (co-written by Terry Pratchett) it just didn't do it for me - I think its a "comedy" and whenever I tried it, I wasn't lookin for that kinda book. But after re-reading Sandman, then seeing and enjoying Stardust, I d/l'd the .lit versions of all his books, wanting to read Stardust. Started it up, then realized I'd JUST seen the movie, so was kinda "meh" about hearing the same story (although apparently the book has some kinda depressing ending, unlike the movie) so then I finally got around to trying American Gods. THAT SHIT ROCKS! So good. I've been jamming through it all week. When I finish it I'll prolly re-read Foundation (checked it out but havent read it yet) then I'll read more Gaimen. He's fuckin rad dudes. And, oh man, there's a special CAMEO in American Gods from one of his other characters - won't give a spoiler, and its SUPER subtle, but still, i was all stoaked when I read it. Go Shadow, it's your birfday!

P the FUCK S: All the sudden last couple weeks I been a fucking SWEATHOG! This shit sucks! I dunno, yeah we had a gnarly heatwave last couple of weeks, but I'm sitting at my desk at work and its seriously like 60 degrees in the office... and my underarms is all moist!! WAHT DOES THAT MEAN!? You think I gotta change my anti-perspirant!?!!? Stressing me out... (and can stess make you sweat? i been hella stressed lately...)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Androgenus Wars FTW

Looks way better, and with the isometric view of combat, looks way more interesting than Rampart! The speller game looked kinda lame. Like that VCR laser gun game in the 80's, Gun Alley or some such crap!


Myke: Do you still have my 2nd edition Up Front rules? I am thinking about trying it out with the SC Panzergammengruppe if I ever attend. I would also like to re-read and play by myself!

PS Did anyone ever track down my copy of War of the Ring? I can't remember giving it out and am interested to play it sometime.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Help Me Pick!

There's two new really cool looking games for my Sidekick phone, but I can't decide which one to get! They're each 5 bucks, and I should prolly just stop being cheap and get both, but I dunno...

One is a Rampart style game. Andromeda Wars! That's a cool video someone posted on youtube of gameplay - bonus coolness is that it's head-2-head. I already have a 4 player game (Armored Strike which is a Worms but with tanks kinda game - fun but I'm kinda burned out on it, and I never even play it networked.)

And the other is a Typing of the Dead kinda game! War of the Words! Cool bonus on this one is you can import words from email to use in the game - and I have a flashcard app where you format the words for it in email so there's a bunch of premades I can use for it (different foreign languages, etc...)

I'm thinking about the typing game. Man, I'm thinking of both... :(

Monday, September 03, 2007

Nah, dude. Don't go.

I dunno, maybe its a trap? Who knows...

Ewww, I had the grosest movie/tv-show long weekend. I feel so dirty. Friday night was double-feature of Resident Evil 1 & 2!!! Maybe not the best movies. They weren't the worst movies though either. Just a combination of bad acting/bad script/really bad direction. But I still watched them back to bach. There's a third one coming out, so I figured I needed to be up-to-date. Never really played the games, but after the movies I watched some youtube clips of bosses n shit from the different games, and that shit was horror-ble too. My rating: B-

Saturday was an awesome-orgy of the 2nd half of season 3, LOST. It was pretty good. The cliffhanger endings aren't so bad when you get to see the next one after a quick piss and refill of coffee. It's a pretty good show. I think BSG is better, but Lost is pretty fun too. After I wrapped up the season around 3am, I watched a bunch of youtube shit like Dharma videos and theories etc... Some of the theories are pretty retarded, but then again, some of the actual shit they come up with is pretty dumb too. I'm glad they set an end-date to it (3 more 16 episode seasons) but then again, that seems kinda long... they coulda just said "next season is the last" and probably told whatever silly ending in that amount of time.

Sunday is a blur.. Maybe that's when I watched Lost.. Anyways, today I went to the mall, that was pretty hellish. I wanna get new clothes, but I just get so anxious to leave and I didn't end up getting anything. Then tonight I had another crap-filled double-feature day with Spider-Man 3 and Fantastic Four 2. I guess Spider-Man was better, but it wasn't even that good either. What can I say good about either? Well, some of the cgi shit was kinda cool in Spider-Man, like when he's flying around .. and the Silver Surfer was the coolest part of FF2. But both were pretty damn boring and uninspired.

What's on deck for the Rudester!? How's about a slow and painful suicide! I've got a 4 day head start!

You should go

I'm actually horribly unreliable in terms of attending the game group that I'm a part of, but whenever I can make it, it's a good time.

The group primarily meets to play Eurogames. However, of the roughly six stalwarts, there are only two who don't like playing the occasional wargame. Three of them really like Warhammer Quest/Descent style games, one is quite the hardcore wargame fan but just never has the opportunity to play, a couple have expressed at least a passing interest in trying out minis gaming sometime, and a few have even mentioned being up for an RPG if I ever ran one.

So, you never know. Even if your Eurogame itch is fairly mild, you might find a dude or two willing to play games more along your lines of interest!

Summation of miniatures gaming from a mostly non-mini player:

"I get to play with toys! Also: math."

Funny. This is one of the folks at the Santa Cruz game group that I am afraid to meet with because I think they are all euro all the time.

I mentioned on the Yahoo Groups message board for the group that I would be more that willing to teach a wargame to anyone who wanted to learn, and the same guy said:

"I'd be more than down to learn how to play a wargame. Also to learn what a wargame is. There's like hexes involved or something, right?"

This is from a guy who said himself that he doesn't really like to play a game much more than once because he likes to learn rules, then move on.

Dunno what to expect from the SCGamers....

Sunday, September 02, 2007


BWHAHAAA!! That clip was awesome, even if I'm not a Warcrackhead.


hahahas..asd.faw.. .
This was pretty cool.. a helo is filmed, but the camera guy screws with the shutter speed to match the RPM of the rotor, so it looks like it is flying around via anti-gravity.

Fun with Camera Shutter Speeds
That friggen WoW guy was awesome! Oh man, why does he pay for multiple accounts tho! You can have many characters on 1 account! :( Hahah, rad interview though hahaha.

You know, I think BSG and LOst have a lot in common - like when they're both airing new episodes, I'm all excited to watch, but waiting a week inbetween I just lose interest! Then, when they're on dvd or i d/l them in big chunks, omg I get sucked in! Now I'm going thru season 3 of lost.. pretty rad. Such a fucking tease of a show (like BSG) but when you can watch a few at a time, so much better.

Got Half-Life 2 the other day. Pretty awesome! Totally a choo-choo train on rails, but just some awesome chase scenes and action... I haven't played a new fps in FOREVER and they usually kinda stress me out (I just get scared easily) but this one, I'm gettin in the groove, and tons of multiplayer fps-age has got me pretty good against AI baddies. I'm at the Ravenholm chapter. Eww, zombies! It didn't come with Counterstrike (which I was curious to try - but I prolly woulda been dissapointed) but it came with Deathmatch... BORING! How can anyone play regular deathmatch games anymore?! I'm telling you guys: RTCW and Wolvenstein: Enemy Territory are the premiere friggen team fps'er games. Really - yeah, battlefield has cars n shit, and wolfy is outdated on the graphics, but I just LOVE to death their team-style gameplay. People just play their roles, no questions asked. LOVE IT! Quake Wars will be interesting - I just hope I'll be able to run it (hmm, prolly not, we'll see.)
More hilarity!

Cannibal Corpse guy plays WoW.